Wildlife Science and Conservation Center of Mongolia and Mongolian Bird Watching Club invite you to participate in the wild bird photo contest to capture the beauty of our feathered friends in their natural habitats.

This activity is one of our activities for the United Nations’ declaration of 2010 as the International Year of Biodiversity. The goal of the contest is to promote bird watching and bird conservation in Mongolia.
One photo will be chosen as the winner and will receive a grand prize and certificate, Mark Brazil’s book Birds of East Asia, which is one of the best field guides for use in Mongolia, and the book Important Bird Areas in Mongolia. Two other contestants will receive certificates, special prizes, and the book “Important Bird Areas in Mongolia”.
In order to encourage Mongolian people to participate in nature and bird conservation, we will select winners from local people and foreign residents who are living in Mongolia. However, foreign tourists and birdwatchers are welcome to participate and submit their photos.
Please, submit your wild bird photos to info (at) wscc.org.mn by September 15th, 2010.
Photo's can be taken anywhere in the wild including your backyard or khashaa, but must have wild bird(s) in the photo.
1-3 photo(s) may be submitted by per person. Photos may not exceed 10MB in file size. Accepted file types are .jpg, .gif, and .png.
Along with your photo(s) you must provide us, the date and location of photo(s) taken, and title of your bird photo(s). Also you must provide your name, email address, and phone number so we can contact you when needed.
Images of eggs and chicks in the nest are prohibited. People may be depicted in the photo.
Winners will be notified via email and posted at WSCC and MBWC websites. The winning photos and special selections will be posted on these websites as well.
You will retain all rights to any photograph you submit. But, by entering the contest, you grant to WSCC and MBWC royalty-free license to reproduce, distribute, publicly display and publicly perform the photographs you submit in any type of media for bird and their habitat conservation, and the right to use your name in promotions and other publications related to your photos.

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