Birds, birdwatching, biodiversity & conservation — by Axel Bräunlich & Andreas Buchheim
December 18, 2007
Before finally leaving Mongolia in February 2008 we are on holiday in SE-Asia at the moment, following the Siberian migrants south and escaping the fiercely cold Mongolian winter for a while (we had a 60 deg C difference between Ulaanbaatar and Bangkok!).
But blogging will resume later, watch this space!
December 6, 2007
Several Mongolian rivers remain open and provide habitat
for wintering waterbirds. Khovd river, 31 Dec 2006. © A. Braunlich
The Asian Waterbird Census focuses on monitoring wetland and waterbird in January is the largest biodiversity monitoring programme in the Asia-Pacific region initiated in 1987. It has so far covered more than 6300 wetlands in 27 countries with active support by tens of thousands of volunteers. The AWC 2008 will be carried out from 5 to 20 January 2008; I would like to call you active participation to the census.
For more information on the AWC visit our website here. Download AWC guidelines and forms here.
Besides, the latest AWC newsletter (No.14, December 2007) is now available and can be downloaded from Wetlands International website.
The newsletter provides an update to the AWC since June 2007, highlights including the launch of the AWC strategy 2007-2015, alarming new figures for coastal waterbirds in Southeast Asia, AWC 2005-2007 results update, news of the AWC in the Asia-Pacific region, announcement of the International Black-faced Spoonbill Census and the report for the 2nd Meeting of Partners of the East Asian- Australasian Flyway Partnership.
Thank you very much and I look forward to a success and fruitful AWC 2008 with your great support.
Best regards,
David Li
AWC International Coordinator
Wetlands International
December 4, 2007
Konrad Schleicher (Khangai Mts) & Axel Braunlich (Altai Mts)
In Khovd there was a female Common Chaffinch and a Masked Wagtail on 2nd December. The last observation for Chaffinch in Khovd in 2006 was similar (1st Dec) while the last Masked Wagtail was seen much earlier (13 October 2006 versus 14/15/19/30/31 Oct, 3/28 Nov and 2 Dec 2007).
An exiting record comes from Tsetserleg, where on the same day an extremely late Red-throated Pipit was found by Konrad.
Red-throated Pipit, 2nd Dec, Tsetserleg.
Photo © K. Schleicher
Photo © K. Schleicher
There were also 2-3 White-throated Dippers and a female Guldenstadt’s Redstart, both firsts for Konrad’s local spot.

Guldenstadt’s Redstart. Tsetserleg.
Photo © K. Schleicher
Guldenstadt’s Redstart. Khovd.
Photo © A. Braunlich
Further species seen near Tsetserleg on 2nd Dec include Grey-headed and White-backed Woodpecker, Daurian Partridge, Common Magpie, Willow and Great Tit.
November 28, 2007
The temperature was about -18 deg C in the morning today. During lunch break - when it was a bit warmer - we visited a little stream (up to two metres wide) which doesn’t freeze over in winter. Along c.2 km the following birds were spotted:
White-throated Dipper. Photo © A. Braunlich
11 White-throated Dippers (4 white-bellied, 4 dark-bellied, 3 not seen well enough; local maximum for the last two years), 2 Water Pipits, 1 Masked Wagtail and 3 Northern Wheatears.
Northern Wheatear. Photo © A. Braunlich
November 27, 2007
After the publication of 'The Birds of Kazakhstan' in April 2007, many of you already submitted a lot of new, interesting avifaunistic material on the birds of Kazakhstan.
Herewith I want to ask you to continue sending me all relevant data on status, distribution, habitat and migration on the birds of Kazakhstan for future updates and articles.
First-summer male Pied Wheater. Dzhabagly, South
Kazakhstan province, March 2006. Photo © A. Wassink
These may (for instance) include technical reports, trip reports, articles etc. Also, good quality photographs of landscapes and birds are welcomed. Of course, full acknowledgement will be made!
Kind regards,
Arend Wassink
Postweg 64, 1795 JR De Cocksdorp, Texel, the Netherlands
email: "a (dot) wassink (at) texel (dot) com"
November 25, 2007
For this North American, the birdwatching in Mongolia has been great fun. I’ve been in-country for about 5 months and have seen about 80 species on occasional weekend treasure hunts. I’ve seen it written that what Mongolia lacks in quantity it more than makes up for in quality. And I’ve been lucky in my short stay to have discovered some very high quality.
Part of my summer was spent in Sukhbaatar soum in Selenge aimag which is located in the country’s extreme north. The area boasts rolling grasslands, small wooded hills and a marsh area just south of the population center.
Among my summer favorites were a pair of Hooded Cranes. I found them only once in the marsh in mid-August, and I’m guessing they were in transit. Also in the marsh, I was delighted to have a Baillon’s Crake slip out of the reeds into plain view and a flyby of the massive Great Bittern. I really enjoyed watching the feeding and flitting of the large flock of resident White-winged Terns. Among the ducks species were Ruddy Shelduck, Garganey, Northern Shoveler and Gadwall. My favorite forest denizens were Hazel Grouse and a cute Lesser Spotted Woodpecker.
At the end of August, my wife and I moved to Dornod aimag in the extreme east of Mongolia. We’ve been here for about three months and have been pleasantly surprised by the diversity I’ve found in the steppe. I’m lucky to have a large river snaking nearby and a section of it features a largely willow riparian zone. Fall migration did not disappoint with about 40 new entries on my life list – a list that now exceeds 640 different species.
I love owls and the Eurasian Eagle Owl and Oriental Scops Owl I found in Choibalsan are runaway (flyaway?) favorite finds so far. I found the latter at dusk on October 1st. A Dark-throated Thrush caught my attention as it flew up into a nearby tree. Just below the thrush, the scops owl sat perched. I called my wife, Julie, on my cell phone and she took the 10 minute walk to find us. What a treat!!!
Jim birding the Kherlen river near Choilbalsan, E Mongolia.
The Bar-headed and Swan Geese have been real prizes as were the Eurasian Nightjar, Japanese Quail and a surprise Chinese Pond Heron on October 4th, which I spooked and got long looks at along the Kherlen River in Choibalsan. Also along the Kherlen, I found a Chinese Grey Shrike on both November 3rd and again on November 11th. It would only allow me to get within about 20 meters before moving off to a more distant perch or to hunt by hovering over the nearby grasslands. This was quite unlike the very tame Northern Shrikes I’m used to in the States. I found it again on November 24th.
The Wryneck, Pallas’s Sandgrouse and Eurasian Spoonbill I found this fall have curious appearances while the Azure Tits, Bramblings, Orange-flanked Bush Robins and Daurian Redstarts were all striking.
I’ve been impressed by all the bunting species and in my short time here, I’ve already enjoyed spying the Tristram’s, Rustic, Little, Black-faced, Pallas’s and Meadow varieties. I’m told the Tristram’s is a rarity. I found the one Tristram’s Bunting ground feeding with a flock of Black-faced Buntings in Choibalsan on September 23rd. I suspect these birds were just passing through. The winners of the prize for cuteness are the diminutive Lanceolated and Rusty-rumped Warblers who slinked about in the grasses underfoot and would occasionally peer up at me in apparent curiosity. They were adorable.
I’m looking forward to future visits to other habitats in Mongolia and to find some of the real prizes in the world of cranes and raptors. I’ll let you know how that goes.
Happy Birding!
Jim Moulton
Dornod aimag, Mongolia
Just after the observation of a male Red-mantled Rosefinch yesterday we found today two more males at the plantation near Khovd airport, c.7 km from yesterday’s site.
Another Red-mantled Rosefinch. Photo © A. Braunlich
Other birds spotted today include a Common Chaffinch, 2 Bramblings, and a male Guldenstadt’s Redstart.
November 24, 2007
Yesterday we had all day strong southerly winds, pushing the temperatures to an unusual high of +2 deg C. Today everything is back to “normal” with -11 in the morning, and about -6 during the day.
Andrew and I visited in the afternoon the plantation Otzon Chuluu which always has some good birds. We saw about 15 Meadow Buntings, 6 Godlewski’s Buntings, 1 late Common Reed Bunting, c.25 Spotted Great Rosefinches, 13 Long-tailed Rosefinches, and one male Red-mantled Rosefinch. The latter was rather difficult to photograph, so I can present two poor shots only.
November 22, 2007
I posted information on the rehabilitation and release of a Cinereous Vulture in Thailand to Birding Mongolia a while ago. Here’s the rather sad end of the story.
Cinereous Vulture. Khar Us Nuur National Park,
W Mongolia, Oct 2007. Photo © A. Braunlich
FYI regarding the tragedy of Anakin the Vulture. It is officially to call it an end. However, we will continue doing our work to help other wild raptors by rehabilitation and release.
Fly the vulture home project has been changed to Wild Bird Rehabilitation & Release Fund (by Bird Conservation Society of Thailand, BCST) to fully support the work of Kasetsart University Raptor Rehabilitation Center that was founded in memory of Anakin and continue to such kind of work to educate and ignite public awareness about raptors and hopefully we will have less and less people who aim their guns toward birds in the sky!
Chaiyan Kasorndorkbua,
Assistant Professor of Veterinary Pathology
Rare vulture shot dead in Myanmar after being freed in Thailand
The Associated Press
Thursday, November 22, 2007
A rare vulture set free in northern Thailand is believed to have been shot dead by a villager in Myanmar, bringing an end to a haphazard campaign to return the bird to its homeland in Mongolia, a conservationist said Thursday.
Chaiyan Kasorndorkbua, a veterinarian who oversaw the release of the cinereous vulture, said his team lost contact with it in May, only three weeks after it was freed in northern Thailand. He said he then received an e-mail in July from a rebel soldier in Myanmar's Shan State who said a villager had killed the bird. The soldier then followed up in September with photos of the vulture's radio transmitter and leg band that convinced Chaiyan that the bird was dead.
"The soldier told me that the villager had never seen such a bird so became curious and shot it," Chaiyan said. "It is common practice in Southeast Asia when people have a gun to shoot and look later. This is a tragedy."
Photo © A. Braunlich
The odds of survival were never good for the ash-gray-colored vulture — named Anakin after a character in the "Star Wars" movies — after it was found in southeastern Thailand last December, emaciated and apparently lost.
Veterinarians in Bangkok nursed the bird back to health, feeding it pork legs and rotten meat. Chaiyan then teamed up with Thai Airways and announced plans in March to fly the bird to Mongolia.
But fearing bird flu, China and South Korea refused to let the bird be transported through their capitals, despite tests showing it was free of the deadly virus. The vulture was later freed in northern Thailand near the border with Myanmar, also called Burma, thousands of kilometers (miles) from its home.
"It's confirmed our belief from the beginning that it was risky to release the vulture on the Thai-Burma border," said Gawin Chutima, chairman of the Bird Conservation Society of Thailand. "It's a pity. We lost a very good and rare opportunity to study the migration of one of the largest birds in Asia."
But Gawin and Chaiyan said the effort to return the vulture had raised awareness about the species' plight. Also known as the black or monk vulture, it is in decline in Asia because of habitat loss, shortage of food and shootings by villagers who believe the bird brings them bad luck.
"There remains a bad perception about vultures. We have to change that," Chaiyan said. "We may have lost this vulture. But with rehabilitation programs like this, we can raise public interest and awareness about vulture conservation
The cinereous vulture - normally not found in Thailand - is defined as near-threatened by the World Conservation Union. Though its numbers are declining in Asia, conservation efforts have boosted the population in Greece, Spain and other parts of Europe. Its global population is estimated at between 14,400 and 20,000.
Cinereous Vultures in the Altai Mountains.
Khar Us Nuur National Park. Photo © A. Braunlich
November 20, 2007
Some recent environmental news from Mongolia Web (Mongolia 's Latest News & Current Events, Directly from Ulaanbaatar), read:
December Biobeers (in Ulaanbaatar, 6 Dec) on Mongolian Saiga: Conservation & Challenge
Scientists study taimen fish, found only in Mongolia, to assure its survival
Global warming in Mongolia to be studied by U.S.-Mongolian university partnership
or check Mongolia Web’s news archive on “Nature and Environment”.
November 19, 2007
Between 24 May and 8 June 2007 four Swedish ornithologists – Fredrik Friberg, Magnus Hellström, Mikael Malmaeus and Mats Waern – traveled in Southern Siberia and Northwestern Mongolia. Their 32-page report (with many photos) is packed with details about practicalities, observations and events from the journey.

Photo © Mats Waern
A report from a bird watching trip in S Russia and NW Mongolia
May 24 – June 10 2007. Compiled by Mikael Malmaeus
download here (1.2 MB, PDF)
And more photos from the trip can be found here:
Renowned conservationist Dr. George Schaller of the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) has been named one of 60 “Heroes of the Planet” by TIME Magazine. He joins Al Gore and Mikhail Gorbachev among the elite group of environmental champions.

George Schaller in Mongolia.
Photo © WCS
For more info click here (WCS) and here (TIME).
November 18, 2007
After checking Otzon chuluu and the plantations in Khovd town over the last days I visited today the “airport plantation”, a fenced area not far from Khovd airport, with lots of irrigated poplar, willow, and sea buckthorn. Good numbers of seed eaters were present, including 57 Meadow Buntings, c.40 Spotted Great Rosefinches, c.40 Long-tailed Rosefinches, two Twite, and two Eurasian Siskin.
Twite. Photo © A. Braunlich
Eurasian Siskin. Photo © A. Braunlich
Two Wood Pigeon were not an unusual sight, though the species occurs regularly in Mongolia in the west only.
Common Wood Pigeon. Photo © A. Braunlich
A male Guldenstadt’s Redstart, a first winter Black-throated Thrush, 2 Mongolian Larks, and a single Song Thrush added to the diversity of species seen today. For the latter species this is my latest observation so far from Khovd, after one on 6 November 2005.
A surprise were 2 Bearded Tits which were flying very high over the plantation (far away from any water/reeds, in the winter desert steppe!). And an Eurasian Sparrowhawk was the only predator present today.
November 17, 2007
Khovd is situated in the Great Lakes Basin Desert Steppe ecoregion. Below an aerial photograph I took during a flight to Ulaanbaatar on November, 6th. The red dot shows the site were we observed the second European Robin, the green dot the observation site of the Great Bustard.
Otzon chuluu plantatation and Buyant gol valley.
Photo © A. Braunlich
Click photo to enlarge.
Today in the afternoon Katja and I visited Otzon chuluu, a plantation a little bit north of town. One of the first birds we found was an European Greenfinch, constituting the 4th record for Mongolia. This species is probably a rare but regular passage migrant here in western Mongolia.
European Greenfinch. Khovd, 17 Nov 2007.
Photo © A. Braunlich
Following hard on the heels of the first confirmed record of a European Robin two days ago we found another one, just about 4 km to the north of the first sighting. I went later today to the first site, and the first robin was also still present.
The second European Robin.
Khovd, 17 Nov 2007. Photo © A. Braunlich
The second European Robin. Photo © A. Braunlich
Late autumn observations in the plantation were of one Water Pipit and one Common Reed Bunting.
The main arm of the Bujant gol is still open, with lots of
Karate Dip I. Photo © A. Braunlich
Walking back from the plantation to town we discovered a Great Bustard, flying along the Buyant river towards us, landing not far way! Another new species for my Khovd list! We waked a bit towards it to take some photos. When it stopped feeding and began to walk away from us we left it alone, and a few minutes later it resumed feeding.
Great Bustard. Photo © A. Braunlich
Great Bustard. Photo © A. Braunlich
Other species seen today include 4 Cinereous Vultures, a Rough-legged Buzzard, a Merlin, 2 Meadow Buntings, and several Spotted Great Rosefinches. In total we saw 20 species.
Adult male Rough-legged Buzzard. Photo © A. Braunlich
November 15, 2007
I was in Ulaanbaatar for a while, so I haven’t been birding in Khovd for two weeks. It is much colder now (-12 deg C today in the afternoon), and the rather limited winter bird life (mainly crows) dominates the short days.
Today, in the late afternoon my wife Katja and I had a stroll through one of the very quite plantations here in Khovd, for the first time since early November. First we saw just a few Carrion Crows and Eurasian Tree Sparrows. While watching the only “exciting” birds around, 2 Azure Tits, I noticed a small bird hopping away from me on the ground… wait a minute, hopping? A Red-flanked Bluetail? When the bird turned around we were very surprised to see its bright orange throat: An European Robin Erithacus rubecula! The sun had already dissapeared behind the mountains, but I still got the chance to take some (rather poor) photos before the robin flew out of sight into thick cover.
European Robin, Khovd, 15 Nov 2007.
Photo © A. Braunlich
To my knowledge there are no confirmed records of European Robin for Mongolia. I heard a while ago that Hungarian birders caught one (?) in the Altai, but I haven’t been able to track down this record. If anyone has any information on this I would be grateful if you could contact me.
European Robin, Khovd, 15 Nov 2007.
Photo © A. Braunlich
European Robin, Khovd, 15 Nov 2007.
Photo © A. Braunlich
The record comes not unexpected since the species “is expanding eastward along the southern part of the forest zone. The Robin has been recorded several times in Central Siberia in recent years.” (species chapter in: Rogacheva, H. 1992. The birds of Сentral Siberia. Husum: Husum Druck-u. Verlagsgesellschaft).

Breeding distribution of European Robin (grey;
source: Handbuch der Voegel Mitteleuropas) and
approximate location of Khovd (red dot)
November 10, 2007
Although I was back in Australia for a few weeks at the end of September-early October I still managed to enjoy some migrants moving through parts of the Gobi this autumn. In August and parts of September I was still based in the north-central Gobi in an area with lots of grass cover and a few low bushes (which I hoped would hold a few migrants). Whilst Asian Brown Flycatchers were common migrants throughout August these were largely replaced by Taiga Flycatchers which occurred daily in September. The main highlights in early September were the regular Siberian Rubythroats with a max. count of 10 in one day. Olive-backed Pipit, Siberian Stonechat, Dusky Warbler, and Dark-throated Thrush were the other almost daily migrants whilst there were only a few records of Pallas’s Grasshopper Warbler, Japanese Quail, Two-barred Greenish Warbler, Arctic Warbler, Eye-browed Thrush, White-crowned Penduline Tit, and Japanese Sparrowhawk and Oriental Honey-Buzzard.
After returning from my break in Australia I had one day in Ulaanbaatar where I saw Dark-throated Thrush (ruficollis), Dusky Thrush (naumanni) and Hawfinch in the local park. I was then sent to a new project in south-east Gobi (about 4 hours south of Sainshand and only 80km from the Chinese border). This area was easily the lowest altitude I had worked at in Mongolia, only 900-1000m above sea level. Again fairly typical sandy, stony Gobi Desert environments but at last there were a few trees along dry river courses and some decent areas of Saxaul. I didn’t spend much time in the Saxaul woods (too far from my camp) but I searched a group of 30 well spread trees along the nearest dry creek as often as possible. Common residents included a healthy population of Saxaul Sparrow (up to 20 birds in one flock), Steppe Grey Shrike ['Saxaul Grey Shrike', Lanius (meridionalis) pallidirostris] (although these birds now appear to have left), and Siberian Accentors which had arrived in low numbers (wintering or passing through).
Khulan. Photo © D. Mantle