A wonderful day at Gun
text & photos ©
Andreas Buchheim
Just prior my return to
Europe I had the opportunity to visit Gun Galuut Nature Reserve for
the first time. Brian, who had organized transport, came along in the
morning of 27 August to pick us up. After my family and I had made
ourselves comfortable the 2-hour journey to the east began.
We first stopped at one of
the small lakes to check for water birds. These lakes, the biggest
being Ikh Gun Nuur, are unfortunately not part of the reserve but had
received a bigger fame since Siberian (White) Cranes are known
to over-summer here. The cranes are not seen every year and in 2011
no cranes had been reported yet, so we were both much surprised and
much delighted to see two of them walking slowly as they foraged in
the wet meadows. Both birds were immature which was quite obvious on
one (some rusty colored areas on the neck) but less so on the more
advanced bird. This one easily could be mistaken for an adult as the
few juvenile brownish wing-coverts that were remaining could be seen
only if it stretched or ruffled its wings. The ranger told us that
she had not seen them but we were wondering for how long those birds
could have gone undetected as we had found them outside the warden’s
‘home range’. And indeed, they had been seen before: The
Belgian birdwatcher Rik de Jaegher had taken pictures of the two on 22 August already.

This is the more
adult-like Siberian Crane,
Aug 2011, lakes west of
Gun Galuut
Siberian Cranes,
Aug 2011, lakes west of Gun Galuut
Other birds we saw at the
lakes were: a flock of 20 Eurasian and 3 Far Eastern
Curlews plus another flock of about 20 Eurasians was
coming in. There were 7 Eurasian Spoonbills, a Grey-tailed
Tattler, about 100 Mongolian Gulls, a group of 7 juvenile
Red-necked Phalaropes, about 600 Eastern Black-tailed
Godwits, 5 Little Curlews, 15 Ruffs, only 1
Black-winged Stilt, 2 Sharp-tailed Sandpipers, and
approx. 10 Black-necked Grebes.
Flock of Eurasian
Curlews, Aug 2011, lakes west of Gun Galuut
2nd calendar year Eurasian
2011, lakes west of Gun Galuut
The majority of the more
than 1200 ducks present was Eurasian Teals and we failed to
find any rarer one among them. The species list was completed by the
usual set of waders, cranes and raptors but not a single passerine
was seen around the lakes.
Juvenile Little Curlew
and juvenile Eastern
Black-tailed Godwit, Aug 2011, lakes west of
Gun Galuut
Juvenile Red-necked
Phalarope, Aug 2011,
lakes west of Gun Galuut
Juvenile Red-necked
Phalarope (different bird),
Aug 2011, lakes west of
Gun Galuut
After lunch at the well-run
ger-camp we went down to the river to look for migrants. It turned
out that migration was not yet in full swing and that finding the few
birds within the bushes was quite time-consuming. Apart from a big
flock of Eurasian Magpies we saw only 3 Pied Wheatears,
2 Brown Shrikes, a single Mongolian Lark, 2
Yellow-browed Warblers, few Dusky Warblers, 3 Pallas’s
Grasshopper Warblers and a Black-faced Bunting.
Nevertheless it was a great day out. Thanx Brian for inviting us!
Pied Wheatear, Aug
2011, Gun Galuut
Pied Wheatear
(different bird), Aug 2011, Gun Galuut
Eurasian Magpie,
Aug 2011, Gun Galuut