Daurian Redstart. Photo © K. Schleicher
Night temperatures have regularly been below 10 degree Celsius since two weeks and day temperatures seldom above zero in Tsetserleg in the Khangai Mountains of central Mongolia. During my last bird walks into the birch scrubs north of Tsetserleg at the end of October I found the typical winter bird community which I already noticed a year ago: Godlewski’s Bunting, Pine Bunting, Long-tailed Rosefinch, Willow Tit, Tree Sparrow, Great Tit, Brown Accentor, Siberian Accentor and Chinese Beautiful Rosefinch.

Siberian Accentor. Photo © K. Schleicher

Eurasian Tree Sparrow. Photo © K. Schleicher
In the city park of Tsetserleg Azure Tits are common since 29 September and White- backed Woodpeckers have started visiting the city sometimes, like they did last winter.
On a walk in the wet steppe near the airport on 29 October I noticed mainly Corvidae like Common Magpie, Red-billed Chough, Northern Raven, and Carrion Crow.
Northern Raven. Photo © K. Schleicher
15 Ruddy Shelducks rested at the last remaining open water of the small river and Horned Larks congregated in flocks of 20 to 40 birds.
Migrants noticed this year but not in autumn 2006 around Tsetserleg were a Great Grey Shrike on 14 October, 11 White-crowned Penduline Tits on 17 September, and an Eurasian Collared Dove on 11 October.

Eurasian Collared Dove. Photo © K. Schleicher
The last observation of a Black-eared Kite was on 19 September (last year 6 of October; but interestingly in Khovd, western Mongolia as late as 18 October 2007, per A. Braunlich) and of a Booted Eagle on 22 September (last in Khovd: 21 September 2007).